5-Day seminar level I

5 day seminar level I "Healthy, happy and without glasses" is an intensive course on restoring and optimizing your body's health, restoring eyesight and a more productive and happy life.

4 hours each on 5 consecutive days (total 20-22 hours)
Price: 612 USD  

The first day of the seminar offers the opportunity to participate without obligation and to familiarize yourself with the course and the methods.

Duration: about 4 hours

Contribution to expenses: 106 USD (will be deducted from the seminar fee if you take part in the entire course)
As children, we are usually healthy, cheerful and happy. As adults, on the other hand, we are absorbed by our work. Stress, time deficit, and performance pressure become a fixed part of everyday life. As a result, the first physical complaints occur. As these years go by, these complaints then become diseases that significantly limit our zest for life. We accept this development as part of life: "In old age, one has just pain and affliction, which is quite normal."

But it is not and it must not be! The rhythm of your life can be completely different if you want and want to be yourself. Hand on heart: When was the last time you woke up with the feeling of literally tearing down trees? When was the last time you felt comfortable in your skin: without pain, full of energy, in a good mood? When were you satisfied with your life, your job, everything?

Your body is an amazing instrument that has incredible abilities - if you leave it! In the class 1 class, you will learn how to activate your self-healing powers. Feelings like the ones described above will then be for you not an exception, but everyday life - and health to an advanced age an absolutely realistic possibility. You will learn how you can get into your full strength and health - without any tools, pills or doctors. You learn to trust the abilities of your body and use them purposefully.

Topics and Outcomes of the Seminar (including Eye Training):

 ✅ Improvement of Sensory Organ Function: Learn targeted techniques to enhance your vision, strengthen the eye muscles, and promote eye health. Through specific exercises and relaxation techniques, you can support the regeneration of your vision and hearing. Read more about eye training here.

 ✅ Training of Blood Vessels: Learn exercises that promote blood circulation throughout the body, improving the blood flow and nutrient supply to your eyes and all other organs.

 ✅ Cleansing of the Liver and Kidneys: Discover methods for detoxifying and cleansing your liver and kidneys, which can positively impact your overall health and especially your eyes.

 ✅ Strengthening the Spine: Through targeted exercises, you can relieve tension, improve your posture and flexibility, and also enhance circulation in the neck and head area.

 ✅ Vitalization of the Entire Organism: Learn how to vitalize your entire body through breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and gynecological or urological massage.

 ✅ Improvement of Skin and Figure: Special exercises are offered for skin cleansing, reducing scars, and correcting body shape, which influence the entire body alongside other exercises.

 ✅ Increase in Vital Energy, Motivation, and Self-Confidence: Through simple yet crucial actions between exercises, as well as targeted techniques/exercises and changes in self-acceptance, you will learn how to transform your life.

 ✅ Strengthening Mental Health and Stress Management: Discover the incredible "side effects" of enjoyable and relaxing meditations, constant smiling, correct posture, and course exercises.

The exercises of the Norbekov Method are easy to learn and highly effective: integrating them into your daily life will soon show you initial successes. Internally and externally, you will gain a new attitude and strength, enabling you to restructure your organism and even your entire life.

The Norbekov Method is based on the belief that a person consists of body, mind, and soul as an inseparable unity. Therefore, all exercises work on all three levels. After a short time, cleansing processes begin, leading to an immediate improvement in general well-being for many participants. You will sleep better, improve your vision, and feel overall better.

 To stabilize these improvements and even progress further, it is absolutely necessary for you to actively work on them. No one can make the decision for a healthier, more fulfilling life or the necessary commitment for you. Participate actively in the seminar and continue working with the exercises at home. The exercises have been proven effective millions of times (feedback here). They are a valuable tool for you—but you need to use them yourself.

Tentative Program of a 5-Day Online Course:

Day 1

Introduction to the Norbekov System
Exercise Review
Meditative Breathing/Blood Vessel Training
Eye Gymnastics
Palming (Eye Relaxation)
Individual Work with the Table/Visual Acuity Correction
Activation of Liver and Kidneys (Filter Mechanisms)
Joint Gymnastics

Day 2

Discussion of Homework
Work with the Favorite Organ
Exercise with the Picture at the Window
Work with the Optic Nerve
Eye Gymnastics
Individual Work with the Table
Gynecological/Urological Massage
Joint Gymnastics

Day 3

Discussion of Homework
Spine as the Favorite Organ
Eye Gymnastics
Individual Work with the Table
Organ Correction
Joint Gymnastics

Day 4

Discussion of Homework
Ideomotor Massage
Eye Gymnastics
Individual Work with the Table
Loud City/Work with the Intestines
Image of Youth and Perfection
Joint Gymnastics

Day 5

Discussion of Homework
Eye Gymnastics
Individual Work with the Table
Octave/Setting and Achieving Goals
Work with Skin Defects
Joint Gymnastics
Homework for Continued Work

The course can also be taken as a webinar. It is interactive and live! You can ask questions, give feedback, and interact with other participants. If you miss a live session or want to review something, you can always watch the recorded sessions later.


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