- Know
- Love
- Create


Wed. - Fri. 17:30 - 21:30
Sat, Sun. 10:00 - 14:00

5 Day - 640 CHF
First day 128 CHF

Early bird discount (with a deposit of 10% of the seminar fee at least 30/60/90 days before the start of the seminar): 25/35/45 EUR
If you repeat a seminar and present your certificate of participation, you will receive a 20% discount.
If you attend the seminar with your partner and/or family members, they will receive a 10% discount on the seminar fee.
For each additional person who attends the seminar on your initiative, you will receive 10% of the fees paid by this person as a discount on your own seminar fee.
Find out here how you can get a gift for your vision test results.
All discount options are described here.
Are you unsure whether this course is for you? Book a holistic health consultation using the Norbekov Method with the course leader and find out how you can use the knowledge gained in your specific case.
Teacher at the seminar: