Original name: Opyt Duraka, kljutsch k prozreniju ili kak isbawitsja ot otschkow / Опыт дурака, ключ к прозрению или как избавиться от очков
(in Russian or German)

This is not just a book about accelerated vision recovery, not just a philosophical treatise for the chronically ill looser, but rather an instruction for action. It describes a technique that’s acknowledged by the International Association of Independent Experts as a most effective one out of all alternative health methods known until 1998. It’s hard to define the genre of this bestseller. Perhaps because there was nothing like that before.
The book "Fool's Experience Or The Key To Insight. How To Get Rid Of Glasses" is a great gift for friends and relatives. 
You can order this book on our website in Russian or German (worldwide shipment). 

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