Eye Training Cheklist

Good News for Your Eyes

In a world dominated by screens, books, and endless visual stimuli, it's no surprise that many of us face vision problems. The good news? You can improve your eyesight naturally without resorting to invasive measures. The key lies in simple and effective eye training.

Let’s get started!

You can now easily and safely begin your eye training with our free checklist. The checklist includes 3 eye-improving exercises from the Norbekov Method, complete with detailed video instructions and tips for implementation.  
You can get the checklist below on this page.

These Norbekov Method exercises are included in the checklist:

Eye Gymnastics

Regularly practicing eye gymnastics helps strengthen the eye muscles, improve blood circulation, and enhance the flexibility of the eyes. A video with detailed instructions for eye gymnastics is available in our checklist, which you can get below on this page.


This relaxation technique relieves eye muscle tension, promotes blood flow to the eyes, reduces stress, and has a positive impact on the entire nervous system. Your imagination plays an important role during palming. A supportive video with this exercise is included in our checklist, which you can get below on this page.

Joint Gymnastics

Joint gymnastics 
from the Norbekov Method consist of specially designed exercises aimed at normalizing the function of the spine and joints. As Mirsakarim Norbekov once said: "You might argue: Why should I be concerned with my spine if I'm suffering from nearsightedness, cataracts, or optic nerve atrophy? I agree, as long as you can prove to me that your eyes are completely isolated from the rest of your body and are located outside your organism, for example, on your dresser. What, you can’t?" [from the book "The experience of a fool: who had an epiphany about how to get rid of his glasses"]. A video with detailed instructions for joint gymnastics is also available in our checklist.

Free Checklist with Video Exercises and Tips

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