5-Day Intensive Training level I "Healthy, happy and without glasses"
5-Day Intensive Training Level I for Strengthening Health and Vision (More info about the seminar - scroll down ↓)
04.12 - 08.12.2024 ONLINE
5-Day Intensive Training level I "Healthy, happy and without glasses"




04.12.- 08.12.2024



612 USD

Teacher at the seminar:

Carina Simons Official Teacher of the Norbekov System
Contents of the seminar

The knowledge you acquired can help in preventing and treating many diseases

  • Eyesight restoration
  • Blood pressure normalization
  • Improvement of blood circulation
  • Headaches
  • Normalization of the menstrual cycle
  • Sleeping disorders (difficulty with falling asleep)
  • Tense neck or shoulder pain
  • Digestive problems (such as irritable bowel, constipation)
  • Colds
  • Sinus inflammation (sinusitis)
  • Tinnitus (tinnitus)
  • Joint pain (including scoliosis, arthrosis)
  • Metabolic diseases
  • Delayed wound healing
  • Circulatory disorders (such as cold hands and feet)
  • Lack of confidence
  • Lack of physical fitness
  • Weak immune system

Results in many participants

Eyesight improved
Eyesight improved

Family relationships improved
Family relationships improved

Self-confidence increased
Self-confidence increased

Better well-being
Better well-being

Immune system strengthened
Immune system strengthened

Sense of harmony
Sense of harmony
